It’s no secret that wedding planning can be a huge source of stress for many couples. Staying calm on your wedding day can be a challenge.
It’s not always easy to stay calm on your wedding day, and if you’re like me, you’re probably considering hosting a smaller gathering to cut down on some of that anxiety. But maybe you’re having a hard time narrowing down that list. Your max guest count of 75 turns into, “Well if we’re going to invite Taylor, we have to invite Jessica and her + 1. Wait, are we at 200 already?”
Yeah. It happens.
Even when things don’t go exactly as planned, keeping calm on your wedding day is everything. Just because your get-together is big, and just because there are a lot of what-ifs, doesn’t mean you can’t make it a stress-free event.
To start, you can do your best to eliminate stressors ahead of the day.
Pretending that there’s “no way it’s going to rain” on your wedding day is a bad strategy. You may end up in a big panic if the forecast ends up showing thunderstorms. If you’re banking on an outdoor ceremony, it’s still a good idea to ask your venue what options they have for indoor ceremony sites before signing the contract. You might not have to use it, but a prepared bride is a calm bride.
And don’t panic if things don’t go as planned.
So your dream venue doesn’t have an indoor option, and it downpours the second you start walking down the aisle. That’s exactly what happened to the bride in this gallery (and this one), and she did an unbelievable job at staying calm as thunder cracked around her. Her positive attitude shows in her photos, and I’m sure her wedding day memories, as well. Hair is just hair. The dress is never going to be worn again. Your marriage is about your love and commitment to each other, so don’t stress over material details.
This day is about you.
It feels like there are a lot of people to please on a wedding day, but your attitude is the only one you can control. If your cousin is mad that she couldn’t bring her kids and your uncle is upset about the kind of beer you’re serving, that’s on them. Tune out the negative energy and focus on the life you’re creating with your new forever-partner, and the evening is sure to be a good one.
Remember, there are going to be variables on your wedding day. There is nothing you can do to guarantee everything will go off without a hitch. Prepare for the worst. Keep a good attitude when nothing goes as planned. Then, you’ll be left with nothing but good memories of your wedding day.
I leave you with one last thought: in the wise words of Michael Kelso, “Well, damn, Jackie! I can’t control the weather!”